The OV Listening Program Assessment supports professionals interested in maximizing the impact of their employee listening program.
There are steps every organization can take to improve their program. This complimentary resource will dive into topics around your listening program and the impact it can bring to your organization.
Once complete, you'll receive a report outlining your strengths, areas of opportunity, recommendations for specific actions, and the next steps in your employee listening journey.
This is designed for employee listening and feedback professionals interested in evaluating their program and driving positive organizational change. If you are involved in employee surveys, 180/360 programs, or how your organization takes action on this feedback, this is for you.
Q: Can multiple people from my organization take this assessment?
A: Yes! This is a great way to identify blindspots and collaborate on optimizing your program. If you have different stakeholders in your organization, comparing feedback from these results can lead to transformational conversations.
Simply fill out the form below and you will be emailed a link to take the assessment.
As you take the assessment think about the employee listening program at your organization and answer based on your sense of the best response. These responses will help generate the best recommendations we have around how to support your unique program.
Q: Is there a fee for this assessment and service?
A: There are no fees. Even after the assessment is complete we would be happy to discuss your results with you!